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The Role of Willingness in Achieving Your Business Dreams
In this episode of The Damn Plan Podcast, Kim Nagle and her daughter Sandy dive into a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of entrepreneurship: willingness. Drawing from insights in Kim’s book, "The DAMN Plan," they...
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A Fire baton and paddleboard
Let's raise the bar together! With the right support and ass-kickin', you never know what you can accomplish! During this special edition, I share a story of the time I twirled a lit fire baton on my paddleboard! You...
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What it takes to be a real entrepreneur.
Kim is calling out the BS in the world of entrepreneurship. Things got real during this one! If you need a boost, maybe even a reality check, tune in! She even reveals the true superpower of a real entrepreneur. If...
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The One About Being Your Own Boss
Being your own boss is not all sunshine and rainbows 24/7. It's hard work! It takes guts, grit and determination. In this episode Kim talks about her 30+ years of entrepreneurship, her successes and failures. She even...
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Do you need a plan to stay motivated?
Join Kim and Sandy on their journey to discover the transformative power of a well-thought-out plan for motivation, or as they call it, a DAMN Plan. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a solopreneur, or someone striving...
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How important is a morning routine for motivation?
How important is a morning routine for motivation?// In this episode, we aren't talking about the sexiness business topic today, but we are talking about an important one! Your morning routine! And how it can help you...
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The Kickass Motivator
In this episode, hosts Kim and Sandy discuss the power of a Kickass Motivator and how it can drive you toward your goals and the life they want to live. They break down the four key components of creating a motivating...
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Real Talk: What is Motivation?
In the very first episode of the DAMN Plan Podcast, hosts Kimm and Sandy unravel the truth behind what drives us, dispelling common misconceptions and revealing the key to igniting motivation: taking action. Through...
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